10 Decluttering Tips For Your Bedroom

cluttered room

10 Quirky Decluttering Tips For Your Bedroom

Are you ready to declutter your bedroom and turn it into a peaceful retreat? Buckle up, because we’re about to embark on a decluttering journey that’s equal parts practical and amusing. Here are 10 quirky tips to help you clear the clutter and transform your bedroom into a haven of tranquility:

Set Realistic Expectations and Start Small:

Let’s face it, Rome wasn’t decluttered in a day. Start small, like maybe just one drawer or that one corner where old magazines seem to gather dust like relics of a forgotten era.

Create Four Piles – Bin, Donate, Store, Keep:

It’s like sorting hats, but for clutter. Channel your inner wizard and decide the fate of each item – will it be banished to the bin, bestowed upon a new owner, safely stored away, or allowed to stay in your magical kingdom?

Tackle the Floor – Beware of the Dust Bunnies:

The floor is not a storage unit, despite what your inner hoarder might believe. Clearing it means less tripping hazards and fewer opportunities for dust bunnies to stage a coup d’état.

Organize Your Clothes – The Great Wardrobe Conundrum:

That pile of clothes on the chair? Yeah, it’s time to break up. Sort them out and give them proper homes. And remember, a cluttered wardrobe is like a Choose Your Own Adventure book – except every adventure leads to wrinkled clothes.

Clear off All Surfaces – Say No to Clutter Cosplays:

Your nightstand is not auditioning for the role of junk drawer. Keep surfaces clear of clutter, unless you’re going for the avant-garde clutter cosplay look. In that case, carry on.

Sort Through All Drawers and Storage – Beware of the Forgotten Treasures:

Don’t let your drawers become the Bermuda Triangle of clutter. Dive in, unearth those forgotten treasures, and decide their fate. But be warned, you may encounter relics from a bygone era – like that mixtape you made in high school.

Organise Your Wardrobe – Channel Your Inner Fashionista:

It’s time to Marie Kondo (famous Japanese organising consultant) your wardrobe and bid adieu to those clothes that no longer spark joy. And hey, if you find yourself struggling, just ask, “Does this shirt bring me joy, or does it just make me look like I’m auditioning for a ’90s sitcom?”

Utilize the Space Under Your Bed – The Land of Lost Socks:

The space under your bed is not just a black hole for lost socks. It’s prime real estate for storing out-of-season clothes, extra bedding, or that collection of action figures you swear you’ll display one day.

Clean Your Bed – Say Goodbye to Bedfellows (the Non-Sleeping Kind):

A clutter-free bed is like a blank canvas for your dreams. So, before you tuck yourself in, bid adieu to the day’s clutter and say hello to the promise of a clutter-free slumber.

Invest in a walk in wardrobe – You Knew This Was coming!

A well designed walk in wardrobe is like the superhero of decluttering – swooping in to save the day with its adjustable shelves and multiple hanging options and more. Walk in wardrobe is a life changer.

Bonus Tip: Reverse Clothes Hangers – Because Your Wardrobe Needs Drama:

Turn those clothes hangers backwards then the right way around after an item of clothing has been worn allowing you to see how much a garment is actually used. ! Watch as your wardrobe undergoes a metamorphosis, shedding its unused garments like a butterfly emerging from its cocoon. And remember, if a piece hasn’t seen the light of day in six to twelve months, it’s time to bid it farewell. After all, every wardrobe deserves a little spring cleaning, even if it’s in the dead of winter.

Buying A Walk In Wardrobe 2024

wardrobe corner shelves

How to Order a Walk-In Wardrobe: Your Ultimate Guide For 2024

In the realm of home improvement, a walk-in wardrobe is more than just a luxury—it’s a transformative space that combines functionality with personal style, making the daily routine of dressing up an absolute pleasure. But how does one go about ordering a walk-in wardrobe that not only meets their storage needs but also complements their lifestyle and home décor? Let’s walk through the process step-by-step.

white wardrobe

1. Define Your Needs and Preferences

The first step in ordering your walk-in wardrobe is to assess your needs. How much hanging space do you require for dresses, shirts, and trousers? How many drawers do you need for smaller items? Are shoe shelves a must-have for your collection? Also, consider your preferences for accessories like mirrors, pant racks, valet rods and baskets within the wardrobe. Understanding your storage needs and lifestyle preferences is crucial for designing a space that’s both functional and personal.

2. Measure Your Space

Accurate measurements are the foundation of a well-fitted walk-in wardrobe. Measure the length, width, and height of your intended space. Remember to note the position of doors, windows, and any other architectural features that could influence the wardrobe’s design. If you’re not confident in your measuring skills Leigh Robinson will sort this out for you.

3. Explore Design Inspirations

Before diving into specifics, look for design inspirations. Platforms like Pinterest, Instagram, and interior design magazines are treasure troves of ideas. Pay attention to the styles that resonate with you—whether it’s minimalistic, contemporary, classic, or eclectic. Collecting visual references will help you communicate your vision more effectively to designers or suppliers.

4. Select Your Materials and Finishes

The materials and finishes you choose will have a significant impact on the look and feel of your walk-in wardrobe. From classic woodgrains to modern colours of 18mm melamine, consider what fits best with your home’s overall aesthetic. As Leigh to bring his colour swatches so you can get a good idea of what will work for you.

5. Consult With Professionals

With your ideas and specifications in hand, it’s time to consult with professional like Leigh Robinson. Leigh can help refine your ideas, suggest practical solutions, and navigate any challenges your space might present.

6. Finalise Your Design

Working with Leigh, finalise the design and lay outof your walk-in wardrobe, he will provide you with free to scale drawings. Ensure that the final design aligns with your needs, preferences, and budget. Don’t hesitate to ask for modifications or clarifications at this stage.

7. Understand the Quote and Timeline

Once the design is finalised, Leigh will provide a detailed quote and timeline for the project. Review the quote carefully to ensure it includes all aspects of the project. Remember you may have to organise the preparation of the area you have with a carpenter or handyman. Understand the timeline, including key milestones and how long the installation will take.

8. Prepare for Installation

Before the installation begins, prepare the area. This might involve clearing out existing furniture, ensuring that the space is accessible for the installers, and covering any items or areas to protect them from dust and damage. Depending on the scale of the project, you might need to find alternative storage solutions for your belongings temporarily.

9. Installation and Final Touches

During the installation, stay in touch with the Leigh to ensure everything is proceeding as planned. Once the installation is complete, ( inspect the work carefully. Make sure all elements are finished to your satisfaction and that the space functions as you envisioned.) Now is also the time to add personal touches, like artwork or decorative items, to make the space truly yours.

Ordering a walk-in wardrobe is a journey that combines practicality with personal expression. By carefully planning, engaging with Leigh, and paying attention to details, you can create a walk-in wardrobe that not only enhances your home but also brings joy and convenience to your daily routine. Remember, this space is an investment in your home and lifestyle, so take the time to ensure it’s exactly what you’ve dreamed of.

white wardrobe


white walk in wardrobe


Janice’s Walk-In Wardrobe Journey

woman choosing clothes in walk in wardrobe

We recently went to back to one of our previous clients to get some feedback on her walk in wardrobe installation in Newton (Geelong). Janice was great at explaining how her walk in wardrobe transformed her life and she was eager to share her story.

Transforming Spaces and Lives: Janice’s Walk-In Wardrobe Journey

For many, the idea of a walk-in wardrobe remains a distant dream, associated more with luxury homes and fashion icons than with the average household. However, for Janice, a passionate advocate for organised living and a lover of fashion, this dream turned into a transformative reality. The installation of a walk-in wardrobe in her home not only redefined her living space but also brought about a profound change in her daily life. This is the story of how a seemingly simple addition to her home turned out to be life-changing.

The Beginning of Transformation

Janice had always struggled with keeping her burgeoning collection of clothes, shoes, and accessories organised. Her traditional wardrobe and additional storage units were bursting at the seams, making it difficult to keep track of her items and even harder to enjoy them. The decision to install a walk-in wardrobe came from a desire to reclaim her space and introduce a sense of order and tranquility into her daily routine.

Designing the Dream

The journey began with Janice meticulously planning the layout and design of her walk-in wardrobe. She wanted more than just a storage space; she envisioned a personal sanctuary that reflected her style and personality. Collaborating with Leigh Robinson, Janice chose a layout that maximized space and light, incorporating open shelving, hanging areas, and drawers.

The Installation Process

The installation process was a period of anticipation and excitement for Janice. Watching her vision come to life, piece by piece, was incredibly satisfying. The professionalism and expertise of the installation team made the process smooth and stress-free, allowing Janice to focus on the exciting changes that were taking shape in her home.

A New Beginning

The completion of the walk-in wardrobe marked the beginning of a new chapter in Janice’s life. Gone were the days of rummaging through overstuffed drawers and cluttered shelves. Instead, she was greeted each morning by a beautifully organized space where every item had its place. The walk-in wardrobe became more than just a place to store clothes; it was a personal gallery where Janice could enjoy and appreciate her carefully curated collection.

Life-Changing Impacts

The impacts of the walk-in wardrobe on Janice’s life were both immediate and profound. Here are some of the key changes she experienced:

1. Enhanced Daily Routine: Mornings became less stressful and more enjoyable. Janice could easily find and select her outfits, making getting ready a pleasure rather than a chore.

2. Increased Creativity: With her entire collection visible and accessible, Janice found herself experimenting with new combinations and styles, reinvigorating her love for fashion.

3. Decluttering and Organisation: The walk-in wardrobe encouraged Janice to declutter and organize her belongings, leading to a more minimalist and mindful approach to her possessions.

4. Personal Satisfaction and Confidence: Having a space dedicated to her personal style gave Janice a sense of satisfaction and boosted her confidence. It was a space that truly belonged to her, reflecting her journey and achievements.

5. Social Sharing: The walk-in wardrobe became a favourite feature of her home to share with friends and family, serving as a space for bonding over fashion and style.

Beyond Storage: A Personal Retreatwhite walk in wardrobe

For Janice, the walk-in wardrobe became more than a storage solution; it was her personal retreat. She added a plush chair and soft lighting, creating a cozy nook where she could relax, plan her outfits, or simply enjoy some quiet time surrounded by her favourite things.

Janice’s journey to installing a walk-in wardrobe was more than just a home improvement project; it was a transformative experience that changed her daily life in unexpected and delightful ways. It taught her the value of organised living and the joy of creating a space that truly reflects one’s personality and style. For anyone considering a similar transformation, Janice’s story serves as a testament to the profound impact that personal space, tailored to one’s needs and tastes, can have on life’s quality and enjoyment.


The Hidden Impact of Clutter

messy room with clothes everywhere

The Hidden Impact of Clutter: How a Walk-In Wardrobe Can Alleviate Stress and Anxiety

In today’s fast-paced world, our homes have become our sanctuaries, a place where we seek comfort and calm. However, the presence of clutter, especially in personal spaces like wardrobes, can unknowingly contribute to stress and anxiety. This is where the magic of a walk-in wardrobe comes into play, offering not just a storage solution, but also a way to restore peace and balance in our lives. Let’s explore why clutter affects us so deeply and how a well-organised walk-in wardrobe can be a remedy.

The Psychology of Clutter

Clutter is more than just physical stuff. It’s a visual reminder of disorganization and can signal to our brains that our work is never done. This constant visual stimulus can be overwhelming, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. Psychologically, clutter represents unfinished business and can make us feel guilty or embarrassed, adding to our mental load.

When we’re surrounded by disorder, our brains can have difficulty focusing on tasks or relaxing fully. This is because clutter competes for our attention, reducing our cognitive resources and diminishing our ability to concentrate. It’s akin to having numerous tabs open on a computer, each vying for attention, and leading to decreased performance and increased stress.

The Role of a Walk-In Wardrobe

This is where a walk-in wardrobe can become an oasis of calm. By its very design, a walk-in wardrobe encourages organization. It offers ample space, allowing clothes, shoes, and accessories to be stored in a way that is both aesthetically pleasing and practical. Every item has its place, which not only makes finding things easier but also reduces the visual noise that contributes to stress.

Benefits of an Organised Space

Reduced Decision Fatigue: A well-organised walk-in wardrobe simplifies the process of choosing outfits. This reduces decision fatigue, a real phenomenon where making too many decisions leads to a deterioration in the quality of those decisions.

Enhanced Mood and Productivity: When everything is in its place, it’s easier to start the day on a positive note. This organized start can set the tone for the rest of the day, leading to improved mood and productivity.

Mindfulness and Control: Organising a walk-in wardrobe can be a mindful activity, offering a sense of control and accomplishment. This control over one’s environment is a crucial factor in reducing anxiety and stress.

Aesthetic Pleasure: A well-designed walk-in wardrobe is not just functional; it’s also beautiful. The pleasure derived from a visually appealing space should not be underestimated. It can be a source of joy and a tranquil spot in the home.

walk in wardrobe timber floor

Tips for Maximising the Benefits of a Walk-In Wardrobe

Regular Decluttering: Periodically go through your wardrobe and declutter. This helps maintain a sense of order and ensures that your wardrobe doesn’t become a source of stress.

Organisation Systems: Implement organisation systems that work for you. This might include arranging clothes by colour, season, or occasion. The easier it is to find things, the less stressful your morning routine will be.

Personalisation: Make the space yours. Whether it’s adding a favourite piece of art, a mirror, or using specific hangers that you love, personalise your walk-in wardrobe to make it a joyful space.

Lighting: Good lighting is crucial. It not only makes the space more functional but also adds to the ambiance, making the wardrobe a welcoming space.

The impact of clutter on our mental well-being is profound, but often overlooked. A walk-in wardrobe, with its inherent organisational features, offers a practical and elegant solution to this issue. By creating a space where order prevails, we can significantly reduce the stress and anxiety caused by clutter. It’s not just about storing clothes; it’s about curating an environment that nurtures calmness and joy. In doing so, we take a vital step towards creating a home that is truly a haven of peace and serenity.


Walk-in Wardrobe Installation Geelong

7 Compelling Reasons to Invest in a Local Walk-in Wardrobe Installation

In the realm of home improvement and lifestyle upgrades, the walk-in wardrobe stands as a symbol of luxury and organisation. While it may seem like an extravagant addition to your home, there are practical reasons why investing in a walk-in wardrobe, especially through a local installation here in Geelong, can be a game-changer for your daily life. Let’s delve into seven compelling reasons why you should consider this upgrade:

Maximised Space Utilisation:

A walk-in wardrobe is the epitome of efficient space utilisation. Local installers can tailor the design to fit the specific dimensions of your room, ensuring every inch is utilized effectively. This personalised approach allows for optimal storage and organisation, making the most of the available space in your home.
Customisation to Suit Your Lifestyle:

Local installers understand the unique needs and preferences of the community. By choosing a local professional, you gain access to a wealth of design options tailored to the local lifestyle. Whether you need more shelves for shoes, extra hanging space for dresses, or specific compartments for accessories, a locally installed walk-in wardrobe can be customized to suit your individual needs.

Enhanced Home Value:

Investing in a walk-in wardrobe can significantly increase the resale value of your home. Local buyers often appreciate well-thought-out storage solutions, and a professionally installed walk-in wardrobe can be a major selling point. By choosing a local installer, you contribute to the overall aesthetic and functionality of your home, potentially attracting future buyers.

Supporting Local Businesses:

Opting for a local walk-in wardrobe installation means you’re supporting businesses within your community. Local installers are invested in maintaining a positive reputation and often rely on word-of-mouth referrals. By choosing a local professional, you contribute to the growth of your local economy and foster a sense of community.

Swift Installation Process:

Local installers are well-versed in the local building codes and regulations, streamlining the installation process. This expertise ensures a faster and more efficient installation compared to dealing with out-of-town contractors. A locally installed walk-in wardrobe can be up and running in less time, minimising disruptions to your daily routine.

Personalised Design Consultation:

Local installers often provide personalised design consultations, taking into account your specific needs and the layout of your home. This one-on-one interaction allows for a collaborative design process, resulting in a walk-in wardrobe that perfectly aligns with your lifestyle and aesthetic preferences.

Ongoing Support and Maintenance:

Choosing a local installer means you have a nearby point of contact for any future maintenance or adjustments. Local businesses are invested in maintaining customer satisfaction and are more likely to provide ongoing support. This ensures that your walk-in wardrobe remains in top condition, with the option for upgrades or modifications as your needs evolve.

Investing in a walk-in wardrobe installed locally is not just about creating a luxurious space; it’s a practical decision that enhances your daily life, supports local businesses, and adds long-term value to your home. Consider the unique benefits of a Geelong installed walk-in wardrobe as you embark on this exciting home improvement journey. Call Leigh Robinson for all your walk in wardrobe queries. Ph: 0412 525 137


The Power Of Being Organised

lady in new walk in wardrobe

The Power of Order: 5 Compelling Reasons Why Organisation Is Key to Success

In a world that often feels chaotic and fast-paced, the importance of organisation cannot be overstated. From managing your time effectively to creating a conducive work environment, being organised is a cornerstone of success. In this blog post, we’ll explore five compelling reasons why cultivating organisational habits is crucial for achieving your goals and realising your full potential.

Efficient Time Management:

Time is a finite resource, and successful individuals understand the value of every moment. Being organised allows you to prioritise tasks, set realistic deadlines, and create a structured schedule. With a well-managed calendar, you can allocate time to high-priority activities, ensuring that you make the most of your day and accomplish your goals efficiently.

Reduced Stress and Overwhelm:

Clutter, whether physical or mental, can contribute to stress and overwhelm. An organised workspace and a clear plan of action help reduce these stressors. When everything has its designated place, you spend less time searching for things and more time focusing on the task at hand. This mental clarity is essential for maintaining composure and making sound decisions in high-pressure situations.

Enhanced Productivity:

Success often hinges on productivity, and organisation is a catalyst for increased efficiency. When your workspace is organised, you can navigate tasks seamlessly, minimising distractions and boosting your overall productivity. A structured approach to your work allows you to complete tasks more quickly and accurately, giving you a competitive edge in your professional endeavours.

Improved Goal Setting and Achievement:

Organised individuals are better equipped to set and achieve their goals. By breaking down larger objectives into smaller, manageable tasks, you create a roadmap for success. This systematic approach not only makes your goals more attainable but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you check off each milestone. Regularly reviewing and adjusting your organised plan keeps you on track and motivated.

Enhanced Professional Image:

Perception matters, and an organised individual exudes professionalism. Whether in the workplace or during personal endeavors, maintaining a neat and organised appearance fosters trust and reliability. Employers, colleagues, and clients are more likely to view you as competent and capable when they see that you approach tasks and responsibilities with a well-organised mindset.

In the pursuit of success, organisation emerges as a powerful ally. From efficient time management to reduced stress and enhanced productivity, the benefits of being organised are far-reaching. By prioritising organisation in your daily life, you not only set yourself up for personal success but also cultivate habits that can positively impact your professional journey. Embrace the power of order and watch as it becomes a driving force on your path to success.

Now tie this in yourself to getting a walk in wardrobe installed and being organised as soon as you wake up!

woman choosing clothes in walk in wardrobe

Wardrobe from Bunnings- No Way!!

bunnings banner

7 Reasons Why I Wouldn’t Buy a Walk-in Wardrobe from Bunnings

Freestanding Wardrobes bunnings

If you’re considering getting a walk-in wardrobe to organise your clothes and accessories, you’ve probably come across options at Bunnings. While Bunnings is a popular choice for many home improvement needs, there are some compelling reasons why you might want to think twice before purchasing a walk-in wardrobe from them. In this blog post, we’ll explore seven key reasons why Bunnings might not be the ideal choice for your dream walk-in wardrobe.

1. Costs Add Up Quickly:

While the initial price might seem reasonable, buying individual sections to create your walk-in wardrobe can quickly become expensive. The costs of shelving, drawers, racks, and other accessories can add up significantly, making it less budget-friendly than it initially appears.

2. Low-Quality Materials:

One of the most significant drawbacks of Bunnings’ walk-in wardrobes is the quality of materials. Many customers report that the materials used are not as durable as they’d like. Thin melamine and other low-quality materials can result in a wardrobe that doesn’t stand the test of time.

3. Limited Customisation:

Walk-in wardrobes should be tailored to your specific needs. Unfortunately, Bunnings’ pre-fabricated sections have limited sizes and styles, making it challenging to fully utilise your space. This lack of customisation can leave you with a wardrobe that doesn’t meet your unique storage requirements.

4. Restricted Colour Choices:

Another drawback is the limited range of colours available. Bunnings typically offers a few basic colour options, which may not align with your interior decor or personal style. A walk-in wardrobe is a significant part of your home, and it should reflect your taste.

5. Guesswork Without Scaled Drawings:

Designing your walk-in wardrobe without proper scaled drawings can be a frustrating experience. Bunnings may not provide the necessary tools or guidance to help you visualise your space accurately. As a result, you might end up with a wardrobe that doesn’t fit your room as you envisioned.

6. DIY Assembly:

While DIY projects can be satisfying, not everyone has the time or expertise to assemble a complex walk-in wardrobe. Bunnings’ products come in flat packs, leaving assembly entirely up to you. This can be a daunting task, particularly if you’re not experienced with furniture assembly.

7. Floor-Based System:

Bunnings’ walk-in wardrobes are typically designed as floor-based systems. This means that the components rest directly on the floor, which can lead to issues. Individual cupboards and sections may move or become misaligned, making it challenging to maintain a tidy and organised space. Cleaning can also be a hassle, and if you measure up your space wrong, it’s a costly mistake to rectify. Our wardrobes are wall hung.

In conclusion, while Bunnings is a reputable option for many home improvement needs, purchasing a walk-in wardrobe from them may not be the best choice for everyone. The costs can quickly add up, the materials might not be of the best quality, and limited customisation options can leave you with a wardrobe that falls short of your expectations. Additionally, the lack of proper design tools and the burden of DIY assembly can be frustrating. If you’re looking for a walk-in wardrobe that truly meets your needs and reflects your style talk to Leigh Robinson one of Victoria’s premier, walk in wardrobe suppliers and a true visionary in the industry.

Leigh Robinson

How Much Does A Walk In Wardrobe Cost?

woodgrain full walk in wardrobe

How Much Does A Walk In Wardrobe Cost?

The cost of a walk-in wardrobe can vary widely depending on several factors, including the size of the space, the materials used, the level of customisation, and your location. On average, you can expect to spend anywhere from a few thousand dollars to several tens of thousands of dollars for a walk-in wardrobe. Here are some key factors that can influence the cost:

Size and Layout:

The size of your walk-in wardrobe is a significant factor. Larger walk-in wardrobes with more square footage will naturally cost more. Additionally, the layout and design can affect costs. Complex layouts with multiple corners, angles, and custom features may be more expensive to design and install.
Materials: The choice of materials plays a substantial role in cost. Walk-in wardrobes can be made from a range of materials, including laminates, hardwoods, MDF, and various finishes. High-quality materials and finishes will generally cost more than basic ones. Our wardrobes are made from high quality 18mm melamine.


The level of customisation you desire will impact the cost. Customised shelving, drawers, hanging racks, and accessories can increase the price. If you opt for built-in lighting, mirrors, or specialty hardware, these will also add to the overall cost.

Labour Costs:

Labour costs, including design and installation, can vary based on your location and the complexity of the project. Hiring professionals for the installation is typically recommended to ensure a quality result.


The cost of materials and labor can vary significantly by location. Urban areas with higher living costs tend to have higher prices for custom home improvement projects like walk-in wardrobes.

Additional Features:

If you plan to add extra features like a dressing area, an island or seating, a built-in safe, or a vanity, these will contribute to the overall cost.


Consider the accessibility of the space. If it requires significant modifications to existing walls, floors, or electrical work, these additional costs should be factored in.

Quality and Brand:

The brand and quality of materials and fixtures you choose will affect the final cost. Higher-end brands often come with a premium price tag.

To get an accurate estimate for your specific walk-in wardrobe project, it’s recommended that you consult with Leigh Robinson. They can assess your space, discuss your preferences, and provide you with a detailed cost estimate based on your individual needs and specifications. Additionally, obtaining multiple quotes from different professionals can help you make an informed decision and ensure you get the best value for your investment.

All in white melamine

A wardrobe this size would be approx $3,000AUD

white wardrobe

A larger wardrobe like this one would be almost double the price at $7,000AUD

Master Bedroom

7 Big Walk In Wardrobe Mistakes


7 Big Walk In Wardrobe Mistakes & How To Avoid Them

Designing a walk-in wardrobe can be exciting, but it’s important to avoid common mistakes that could lead to functional or aesthetic issues. Here are seven big walk-in wardrobe mistakes and how to avoid them:

1. Insufficient Planning:

• Mistake: Not thoroughly planning the layout and storage solutions can result in wasted space and inadequate storage.
• Solution: Take time to assess your storage needs. Get Leigh Robinson to help you measure the space you have then choose the right layout storage combinations with Leigh. Utilising an experts knowledge can save you from walk in wardrobe disasters.

2. Ignoring Lighting:

• Mistake: Neglecting proper lighting can make the space feel dull and make it difficult to see and organize items.
• Solution: Incorporate a mix of ambient, task, and accent lighting. LED strip lights, pendant lights, and well-placed fixtures can enhance visibility and ambiance. Get this organised before your walk in wardrobe is installed.

3. Neglecting Ventilation:

• Mistake: Poor ventilation can lead to musty odours and damage to clothing and accessories.
• Solution: Ensure proper air circulation through vents or windows. Consider adding a small exhaust fan or dehumidifier to maintain optimal humidity levels. This may not be an issue with smaller walk in wardrobes but we have come across problems like this in older homes and larger walk in wardrobes.

4. Overlooking Accessibility:

• Mistake: Not considering the ease of accessing items can make the wardrobe frustrating to use.
• Solution: Optimise the layout for easy access. Use adjustable shelves, pull-out features, and consider installing pull-down rods for high storage spaces.

5. Overcrowding:

• Mistake: Overloading the wardrobe with too many items can lead to a cluttered and disorganised space.
• Solution: Assess your clothing and accessories and declutter before designing the wardrobe. Invest in quality storage solutions that accommodate your needs without overcrowding.

6. Prepreparation:

• Mistake: Your walk in wardrobe space will need to be fully prepared for installation. If the area is not fully prepared it could lead to delays.
• Solution: Make sure your old existing shelving is taken out, the plaster is painted and the lighting is sorted. We do NOT provide a preparation service this needs to be organised by the home owner well before an installation date.

7. Ignoring Aesthetics:

• Mistake: Focusing solely on functionality and neglecting aesthetics can result in a visually unappealing space.
• Solution: Choose a design style that complements your home’s overall decor. Incorporate colours, finishes, and design elements that resonate with your personal style. But don’t over do it especially if you’re thinking of selling your home in the future. Keep the colours neutral if you are thinking of selling. Walk in wardrobe(s) are a great selling point for the future.
Avoiding these mistakes and carefully considering each aspect of your walk-in wardrobe’s design will help you create a space that is not only functional but also aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable to use. If needed, consult with professionals who specialise in interior design and storage solutions to ensure a successful outcome.
walk in wardrobe

Why A Walk In Wardrobe Is Good For You

messy wardrobe

The Psychological Effects Of A Walk In Wardrobe

We asked a psychologist friend how a well designed walk in wardrobe can effect someone’s well being. Here’s the edited version.

The state of our physical environment can have a profound impact on our mental well-being. A cluttered and messy bedroom, for example, can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress. The disarray and chaos that come with a cluttered space can overwhelm our senses and create a sense of unease. On the other hand, a well-organised and tidy environment can promote a sense of calm and relaxation. This is where a new walk in wardrobe can play a significant role in alleviating stress and anxiety.

When our bedroom is cluttered and disorganised, it can create a constant visual reminder of unfinished tasks and responsibilities. The sight of clothes strewn across the floor, papers scattered on the desk, and belongings haphazardly placed can be mentally exhausting. The brain is wired to respond to visual stimuli, and a cluttered environment bombards our senses with unnecessary information, making it difficult to relax and unwind. This constant reminder of unfinished business can lead to increased levels of stress and anxiety.

In contrast, a new walk-in wardrobe offers a dedicated space to keep belongings organised and neatly arranged. With its ample storage options, such as shelves, racks, and drawers, a walk-in wardrobe provides a designated place for each item, reducing clutter in the bedroom. This organisation not only promotes a visually pleasing environment but also helps to create a sense of order and control.


Moreover, a walk-in wardrobe encourages a regular decluttering habit. With designated storage areas, it becomes easier to assess our belongings and make conscious decisions about what to keep and what to let go of. Letting go of unnecessary items not only reduces physical clutter but also has psychological benefits. It allows us to free ourselves from the burden of excess possessions, promoting a sense of liberation and lightness.

A walk in wardrobe also enhances the functionality of the bedroom. With a dedicated space for clothing, accessories, and personal items, it reduces the need to keep these items in sight, minimising distractions. This, in turn, can improve sleep quality, as a clutter-free bedroom promotes a peaceful and serene atmosphere conducive to relaxation.

The process of organising and maintaining a walk-in wardrobe can be therapeutic. It offers an opportunity for mindfulness and self-care. Taking the time to fold clothes neatly, arrange items by category, and create a harmonious space can be a form of stress relief and a way to practice self-nurturing. The act of organising allows us to take control of our physical environment, which can translate into a sense of empowerment and calmness.

The impact of mess and clutter on our mental well-being cannot be underestimated. A cluttered bedroom can contribute to feelings of anxiety and stress, while an organised and tidy space promotes a sense of calm. Investing in a new walk-in wardrobe provides a practical solution to reduce clutter, enhance organisation, and create a serene environment. By decluttering and organising our belongings, we can alleviate stress, promote relaxation, and create a sanctuary for our mental and emotional well-being.

